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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

How Can We Help With Wildfires?

6/25/2019 (Permalink)

Did you know about 84% of wildfires are human caused? There are many ways humans can cause fires including arson, improper camping techniques, vehicles (trailer chains, flat tire sparks, oil drips etc.), fireworks, and more. How can we help prevent these fires? Pay attention to posted signs about fire hazard when going to light fireworks, target shooting, off-roading, camping or other potential fire causing activities. When you are leaving your campsite you should be able to grab the coals without being burned; The coals should be cool to the touch. If you smoke cigarettes/cigars/other smokable substances be sure to not liter and to be 100% positive that it is put out. This may have been information you have heard a 100x times before but it really can prevent fires.

How do you help first responders/those affected by the fire during and after a fire? There are many "go-fund me" pages to help not only the first responders who lost their homes but also the civilians who lost their home. If you do not feel comfortable with go-fund me there are many foundations including the Red Cross that accept donations. You can also go to a fire station and donate blankets, food, water, clothing, toiletries, etc. for not only the firefighters but the families displaced by the fires. If you ever have questions about how to help during a wildfire give local fire departments a call and ask them what they need or what the best way to help them is!

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