Are you Prepared for a Fire?
6/14/2019 (Permalink)
No one wants to think a fire could happen to their home/family. The shocking reality is a fire can happen to everyone especially during monsoon season! In fact last monsoon season my fathers home was struck by lightning. Thankfully the lightning did not spark a fire but it did leave burn marks on the roofing tiles. If the lightning caused a fire would my dad and the kids have been ready? The answer is YES! In every room of the house their is a smoke detector (aside from the kitchen of course) and the kids are constantly being asked "If there is a fire what do you do?" This clearly annoys them after the 100th day in a row of asking but the more you talk about it the more confident you can feel that your children know what to do.
Some quick tips :
1. Always provide your children with a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, and even a Plan D. You never know where I fire could originate so depending on the source of the fire you may have to take another route out of the home. Our Plan A is to exit the home through the garage door (if the fire is happening in the kitchen or living room areas). The garage door is the closest door to all the bed rooms and will also allow us to safely get our animals out as well. If the fire originates in the garage either the front door or their windows is the next option.
2. Always feel door knobs with the back of your hand! You do not want to burn the palm of your hand while trying to escape from a fire.
3. If you have animals in your home try to give them at least one way to escape. Whether that be an open door, open window, doggy door, etc.
4. It may seem repetitive to go over the fire plan at least once a week but in a real situation you wont have to stop and think about what to do. Every second counts when getting out of your home during a fire!
If you have anymore questions about fire safety give us a call at 602-341-6737