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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Potential Flooding

6/10/2019 (Permalink)

With monsoon season just 5 days away it is time to start prepping for potential flooding now. Flooding is the covering or submerging of normally dry land with a large amount of water. More importantly the way most if not all insurance carriers see flooding is water coming into your house on the ground level. This is why in most policy's you will need to get an addition flood coverage.

How can you prepare yourself?

Know your coverage! If for one reason or another your home floods you need to know if it is insured or not (or you will be paying out of pocket to remove any damage). If your home has had a flood in the past from the monsoons taking extra precautions could avoid some if not all damage. Some of those precautions are getting sandbags, digging trenches to catch water/pull the water away from your home, and sealing all doors/windows with proper sealant.

If you need more tips on how to protect your home call us today and ask us about our Emergency Ready Plan (ERP).

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