Power Strip Fire in Glendale Arizona
4/11/2019 (Permalink)
Power strips are one of the best things you can have in your home. They also can be potential hazards. A home in Glendale fell victim to a power strip fire. Thankfully the homeowner was home and was able to put out the small fire on their own (fire extinguishers are amazing for small fires). The homeowner then turned the power off to that side of the home. Eventually, the power strip was unplugged to discover why the fire started in the first place. When the homeowner was doing a water change for their fish tank, they did not realize some water spilled and made its way towards the power strip (that was some distance away). The homeowner stated that they have had that fish tank in that exact spot for close to 5 years and never had an issue until now. Sometimes freak accidents happen, are you prepared? If you do not feel you are prepared, we can help!