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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Mold Under a Microscope

9/1/2018 (Permalink)

We often post pictures of what mold can look like in your home. What you do not see is how tiny mold spores can be and how they can be such a hassle to clean up. The picture is at a 100X magnification under a microscope if that gives you an idea of how small mold spores are. This is one of the many reasons why it is safer to remove drywall and other affected materials from a home then replacing our cleaning. Although it is impossible to remove every mold spore in a home we can remove enough to make your home safe and healthy!

Some health problems mold can cause or irritate are wheezing, rash, watery eyes, runny nose, coughing, can trigger asthma symptoms, can weaken your autoimmune system. Getting your ducts cleaned can help prevent the spread of mold and can also give you warning signs. If there is visual signs of mold that can mean multiple different things. 1) You may have a water issue (leaky pipe, or had a flood that wasn’t properly dried, etc.), your home is too humid, carpet in bathrooms, and so on. If you see visual signs of mold it is better to act sooner rather than later! If you think you have symptoms of mold exposure visit your doctor and give us a call.

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