AZ Monsoons
7/17/2018 (Permalink)
Can anyone guess what is on this roof? I will give you a hint, it is a type of solar. In this case the solar energy is used to heat a pool. This is one of the many common ways to heat your pool and one can argue it being the most effective way. I only know this information because 1. I worked at a pool store for awhile 2. At said pool store we had a vendor come in and explain the system to us. To get to the real problem at hand this roof had a leak. With monsoons tearing through the valley all last week water began pooling on the roof with nowhere to go (drains were clogged with debris). Be sure to check your gutters, drains, and your roof for anything you see out of the ordinary (missing tiles, cracks, etc.). If you feel something is wrong or just doesn’t feel right, trust your gut feeling! No matter how big or small we are here for you 24/7/365!