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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Mold & Containment in Paradise Valley

6/28/2018 (Permalink)

Remember our light to medium rain (depending on where you are in the valley) we had on June 16th? Unfortunately, this family remembers as they are currently having their kitchen rebuilt because of mold. Water found a hole and began wreaking havoc without the family’s knowledge. The affected area was behind the kitchen appliances, cabinets, and was only discovered when a child’s toy went under the oven. Naturally to retrieve their beloved toy they moved the oven only to find a lot more than a toy. We setup containment and got asbestos testing done before we began removing anything in the kitchen. We will be posting a before and after shortly so stay tuned! The picture shown isn’t even the worst of it so be prepared! We are here for all your remediation needs but hope you will never need us!

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