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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Average Rainfall in Phoenix

6/8/2018 (Permalink)

Having a roof leak, if you were to have one, is better now rather than later when monsoon season hits. That is what happened to this Paradise Valley home. They were understandably upset but were also thankful that they knew they had a problem before the damage could be worse. On average during the month of July we receive just over an inch of rain. The most rainfall we have had in a 24-hour period was September 8, 2014 which we received 3.29 inches of rain! If you lived in Arizona at the time that was an unforgettable storm in the Phoenix area. The 3.29 inches dropped in that one day is close to Washington’s month of May average. Arizona has the potential to have a lot of rainfall in such a brief amount of time. If you are in a flood zone or are unsure about the strength of your roof start preparing now.

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