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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Always remember Fire Safety

5/2/2018 (Permalink)

If you have been keeping up with up-to-date news you probably already know the newest information about the "Tinder Fire." If you have not seen the most up-to-date news the fire was caused by an illegal campfire. The fire so far has burnt through over 11,000 acres. Whenever you are camping or having a fire in your backyard always make sure you are as safe as you possibly can be. How can you be safe? Keeping a fire at the very least 4 feet away (this is for a very small fire that you would roast marshmallows with), having a hose or fire extinguisher near by as a just in case, if there are high wind speeds either bury or do not have the fire at all, and the last major point I will discuss is making sure it is not a no burn day. Having a fire can mean survival if you are stranded but it can also mean a catastrophe if you are careless and do not take necessary steps to prevent danger. With the recent weather we sure hope our firefighters can control this fire sooner rather than later.

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